Standing Rules of the Chapter

Cape Fear Needlepointers Chapter of ANG

General Policies & Procedures

Revised December 8, 2021

  1. The Cape Fear Needlepoint Chapter of American Needlepoint Guild meets the second Saturday of the month, except the months of July & August, from 10:00- 12:00 at the NE Branch of the New Hanover County Library, 1241 Military Cutoff Road, Wilmington, NC. As this may vary from time to time, members are asked to refer to the current newsletter for specific dates, times, and locations.
  2. Chapter “Stitch-Ins are generally held at the discretion of the members. As this may vary from time to time, members are asked to refer to the current newsletter for specific dates, times, and locations.
  3. Chapter activities are open to all members in good standing.
  4. It is to be clearly understood that directions and charts from any meeting, workshop, seminar class, newsletter, etc. may not be illegally reproduced or taught.
  5. Smoking is not permitted at any Chapter meeting, workshop or room where needlework is present, either on display or being worked. No food or drink will be allowed on the tables on which needlework is displayed or worked. 
  6. Cell phones must be silenced and set on vibrate, if it remains on. Disruptive cell phones that do interrupt the meeting will cost $1 to the Treasurer.
  7. Pets (unless service animals) and children can be a distraction to both teachers and participants and are asked not to attend Chapter functions.
  8. Chapter members are required to wear a stitched name tag at Chapter meetings. A fine of fifty (50) cents will be imposed on those without a name tag. New members to the Chapter have six (6) months to stitch a name tag, after which the fine will be imposed.
  9. Chapter members participating in a program requiring a purchase of kits or supplies by the Chapter will pay for the kits/supplies prior to their receipt.
  10. Chapter membership list are not to be distributed or sold to any business or other organization.
  11. Bereavement and illness shall be handled as follows:
  12. Upon the death of a member, $100.00 will be donated to an appropriate charity in memory of the deceased.
  13. Death of a member’s spouse or child shall result in a card from the Chapter sent by the Secretary.
  14. During Chapter Program instruction, the room will be separated to allow participants to have the teachers full attention. Disruptive side discussions during both meetings and instruction should be taken outside the room.


  1. Chapter dues are $15 annually, due at the January meeting. Check should be made payable to Cape Fear Needlepointers and given or sent to the Treasurer.
  2. Membership dues include membership in the Chapter, the Chapter newsletter, and the opportunity to participate in all Chapter activities.
  3. Members who are in arrears will be denied participation in Chapter functions.
  4. Guests are those who are not members of this Chapter. A guest may attend two (2) meetings per year.
  5. Members are individually responsible for sending a change of address, phone number, and e-mail address to the Membership chair.
  6. New members will be offered a volunteer mentor to orient them to the chapter and stitching opportunities.


  1. Chapter expenses, for pre-approved activities, incurred by Chapter members are to be reimbursed by the Chapter Treasurer. An itemized expense report or receipts will be submitted for approval and payment within two (2) months of expenses being incurred.
  2. All expenditures require completion of a check request form, signed by the requestor, an elected Board Member and the Treasurer.
  3. Expenditures exceeding fifty (50) dollars must be approved by the entire Board of Directors.

Duties of the Board of Directors:

  1. Will be expected to attend all scheduled Board meetings. If unable to attend, the Board Member is responsible for notifying the President, delivering and receiving pertinent information to and from meeting.
  2. Board meetings are open to all Chapter members, but only Board members can vote on issues.

Duties of the Standing Committee:


  1. Will maintain accurate membership information.
  2. Will provide encouragement of new members.
  3. Will provide a dues reminder to members at least thirty (30) days before their chapter dues are due, which is at the January meeting.
  4. Will electronically (via Newsletter) provide an updated membership roster to each when there is a membership change or at least twice a year.
  5. Will maintain and direct new members to the New Member Packet information on the Chapter website, which contains: Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Chapter; Charts for name tag; local needlework stores; membership roster; form for emergency mediical information and general ANG information.

Community Outreach

  1. Will present Chapter with possible projects to be selected.
  2. Will coordinate selected projects.
  3. Will publicize Chapter meetings and events to media.
  4. Will submit an article and photograph to Needlepointers of Chapter events and/or outreach at least once a year.


  1. Will publish a monthly document of interesting and pertinent information to the Chapter
  2. Will be issued via e-mail to members with Internet capability and by regular mail to those members without electronic capabilities.
  3. Will be sent no later than seven (7) days before Chapter meeting.
  4. Will request articles, minutes, and announcements for the newsletter ten (14) d ays before the next Chapter meeting.

Retreats and Field Trips

  1. Special events are open and will be available to all members in good standing.  Events will be announced in the Minutes, Newsletter, a Meeting or an special e-mail blitz. 
  2. Designated organizer will maintain the collection of the emergency medical forms.

Changes to Standing Rules of the Chapter:

  1. Changes to these Standing Rules of the Chapter can be made by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.